Mind-Blowing Facts That Bring Science to Life
The Incredible Flight of the Common Swift
Woodpeckers are like nature’s jackhammers!
The Surprising Ancient Origins of the Handshake
The Heart of a Blue Whale Can Weigh as Much as 400 pounds!
With Over 100 Butts!
The Healing Power of Spider Webs
Scorpion Venom Is Being Used To Treat Cancer
How This Plant Outsmarts Hungry Deer
How Hippos Stay Sun Safe
Why Elephants Flee From Bees
How Matabele Ants Save Their Own
The Weird Way Your Body Turns Fat into Thin Air
Temperature Determines Turtle Genders
No 'Please,' No Problem
We Shed 8 Pounds of Skin a Year
The Science Behind the Freeze Response
The Hidden Language of Trees
Where Do They Get Their Energy From?
Keeps the Heat Away (from your feet)
The Curious Case of the Argentine Lake Duck
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