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History & Innovations

Remarkable Events From Our Past

Accidental Inventions

Chewing Gum

The Flavorful Fad that Stuck Around

Accidental Inventions

X-rays - The Revolutionary Peek Inside the Human Body

In 1895, Roentgen was experimenting with cathode rays when he noticed...

Accidental Inventions

Artificial Sweetener

The Invention that Changed our Diet

Archive Accidental Inventions

Chocolate Chip Cookies

The Sweetest Mistake in Baking History

Archive Accidental Inventions

Microwave Oven

The Kitchen Marvel that Cooks in Seconds

Archive Accidental Inventions

Velcro - The Sticky Innovation

The Nature-Inspired Hook & Loop That Stuck Around

Archive Accidental Inventions

Dry Cleaning

A Spill That Created a Solution for Spotless Style

Accidental Inventions

Safety Glass

A Clear Breakthrough that Protects Lives

Archive Accidental Inventions

Plastic - A Versatile Material

That Shaped the World

Accidental Inventions

Anesthesia - The Discovery

That Took the Pain Out of Surgery

Archive Accidental Inventions

Teflon - The Non-Stick Discovery

That Slid Into Our Kitchens...

Archive Accidental Inventions

Potato Chips

The Crunch that Revolutionized Snacking

Archive Accidental Inventions

Inkjet Printer - Printing from Home

In 1977, a Canon engineer rested a hot soldering iron on his pen by mistake...

Accidental Inventions

Implantable Pacemaker

In 1956, Wilson Greatbatch was working on a device to record heart sounds...

Archive Accidental Inventions

Nike Waffle Trainer

In 1971, as Bowerman watched Barbara use a waffle iron, he noticed the grid pattern...

Accidental Inventions

Viagra - The Game Changer for Love and Intimacy

Was Originally Intended as a Treatment for Angina,

Archive Accidental Inventions

Blood Thinner - A Lifesaving Medicine with Origins in Moldy Hay and Rat Poison

In the 1920s, a mysterious disease was killing cattle in the United States and Canada...

Ancient Inspirations

From Holy Water to Hot Snacks

The Surprising Origins of Vending Machines

Legends & Myths

The Legend That Hit the Mark

William Tell

Weird Stories

A Feast of Firepower

When Pirates Turned to Silverware in Battle


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